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His natal Venus conjuncts his Pluto + h?

With Placidus, the conjunction is in his 10th house (duh) and my 11th house. ?

This is regarding Venus in the 8th. The key to activating the 'feelings' associated with house overlays is syanstry aspects. I mention gender planets sometimes but mostly in relation to rulers or sitting in/overlaying 5th, 7th, 8th houses his Sun in her 5th house his Moon on her MC his Venus in her 4th house his Mars in her 5th house. From Earth, the planet sometimes looks like a bight star in the morning and the evening skies Venus, the second planet from the sun, is slightly smaller than the Earth and is covered by thick clouds of sulphuric acid that make it difficult to observe its surface Organizing a small gathering can be an intimate and memorable way to celebrate special occasions or hold important meetings. I always have 12th house synastry, mutual, for two reasons: - people I interact with almost always have something in Cap (my ASC, Saturn on DSC, Cap in my 12th) - many of my friends are Libra risers (probably because of my Libra stellium and 7th house emphasis) or late Virgo risers (where my Sun is) - so my Sun Venus are often in their 12th house. for rent in paducah ky They make the decision whether or not there will be involvement, and they can be quite manipulative in this regard, maybe because Venus seems so vulnerable and very forward in. Venus in 8th House. I also kind of look at it as the marriage house, as in the officiality or status of marriage. The couple will support each other. This I because the Moon is receptive and ‘feels’’, it’s our emotional feeling. artwork spanking The most important planets when it comes to relationships, especially romantic ones, are Venus and the Moon. ) Venus in 7th House Synastry Overlay. He’s intensely attracted to her, but something about her light and airy approach bothers him. com) Topic Closed Lindaland Astrology 2. sensual massage san fernando valley This type of Saturn conjunct Venus synastry is a karmic aspect where the man takes on the role of his father providing a solid foundation for the woman who subconsciously sees herself as a daughter or younger sister. ….

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